This is a poem about a male I new from a 3d chatroom, that seems to enjoy bringing drama and attention to others to were he comes off innocent.
The Chapter Ends
Written By Jeannette B.
The chapter of my life closes,
Forever more the doors,
Shut within,
No more blood of tear..
This poem had upsetted many of my friends.
Death Keeps Falling
Written By Jeannette B.
As I keep getting older all I see,
Is familydying in front of me,
Is this what I ha..
Dedicated to my love
Why So Much Hate?
Written By DestinyoFire
Why is there so much hate,
In this world?
Aren't we all sisters and brothers?
Isn't t..
This poem was written as it was on purpoe, as that their were things quoted of what some people have actually said to me, it shows the ignorance of ot..
Written by myself.
Dedicated to someone I Love, as he knows.
Endless Time
Written By Jeannette B
As I keep going, walking the path of light,
Do you think Love has come being so bright,