I have been working with people in a business environment since I was a teenager and delivered newspapers. I worked my way through college working as a customer service manager. After graduating from college, I worked in commercial radio where I hosted a talk show and programmed an FM automated station.

I have worked in commercial radio in various capacities and in several markets. I managed a private computer training school in Southern California and during that time wrote feature articles for a computer weekly magazine. Because I enjoyed working with people and teaching, I began traveling throughout the country teaching Windows-based personal computer business software applications and later added Mac-based training to my repertoire. I have served as an associate faculty member at the community college and university levels.

My background also includes managing, administering and consulting for computer business skills training centers, writing and developing courses, delivering train-the-trainer workshops,

working as a Jeep tour guide and naturalist in Sedona, consumer electronics sales, retail management, marketing and graphic design. Last year I served as a field assistant to the lead anthropologist at The Bureau of Land Management in Arizona.

I also enjoy working and volunteering my time as a guest lecturer for the National Park Service where I lecture on flora, fauna, geology, archaeology, astronomy and Native American Culture.

My hobbies are writing, reading, racquetball, road trips and surfing.

Love and light,