A LaDy NaMeD D

A LaDy NaMeD D


I'm re-writing an oldie!

Smithfield, VA
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About Me

HI!!!! It's been a LONG time and a lot has changed. I think the only thing that hasn't changed is my want to be a published author.

I typically write erotica, but i'm know to dibble and dabble in urban fantasy and horror. I don't write poetry as much as I use to but I think that's an outlet I intend to pursue.

So to update everyone I'm 22, *I'll be 23 in November*. I am back in the states! And I have a daughter who was born in August! Other than that everything is the same.

I love Music, Anime, Poetry, Hello Kitty, and Art. I'm pretty darn handy with a camera and can get around any kitchen ;)


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi, thanks for your friendship.

"Crown Court Censored Poet" (2009-2014)
Using Poetry I fought back against family racism, directed towards my newborn mixed race Daughter. Crown court then censored that poetry for five years.

The Elusive Mr Dunne

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Welcome back old friend!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

AW I sorry my bad I'm a busy person. Thanks for the and and the review

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Posted 14 Years Ago

It's okay. =)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Can you please read my newer poem called I'm Tired.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I can't concentrate on long things right now. I will read them whenever I can. I can't concentrate now though.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

All is well, just messing around with school and writing my new series, Pizza Deli. =)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

*Huggies!!!!* Hey how have you been?

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Posted 15 Years Ago


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Posted 15 Years Ago

At leat you are trying. =)