A Chapter by Denise
"That flight was terrible. Why couldn't I just fly home and you take a plane?" Shon said to his sister, Jennifer, as they exited the front doors of th..
A Chapter by Denise
For hours, Shon and Sam practiced their fighting skills in the basement that their parents had converted into atraining room. Ithas concrete walls, a..
A Chapter by Denise
"We're going to London?!" Shon asked looking at his brother and sister in total confusion.
"Yeah, Shon. Don't you wanna go see your little brother ..
A Chapter by Denise
"So how have you all been? You've gotten so big and grown up to be such beautiful kids," Evelyn said as they walked into an upstairs sitting room.
After a much needed vacation, Shon&Jennifer return to their Aspen home and get the biggest suprise ever-their older brother,Sam. How will Shon&Jennife..
Beingeighteen isa drag. Some would say it's a time to have fun and enjoy your last year of high school. But it's not. Well, at least it's not for me...
We try to find ourselves, when ourselves seem to begone,
But we must learn that we are already ourselves,and just keep on.
We try to make ourselves..
If you read my books, you would know that Shon and Jennifer area brother and sister,crime fighting, duo that try to save the world from ..
Shon has done something terrible that has made him and his crime fighting sister and partner,Jennifer, part ways.Will they ever get back together or w..
A Chapter by Denise
It was cold,dark,and lonely. Shon stared at what was remained of the others out on the battle field. His heart beated rapidly as he raced to catch hi..