A.M. Nelson

A.M. Nelson


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Perth, Australia
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About Me

blog: deformedlion.blogspot.com

i wish i was immortal.
all you serious Poets should check out FreeWrights Peer Review...and maybe poetrycritical.net.

Ode to Writerscafe:

circle-jerk turkeys
all crammed togethor
in the airport bathroom
toilet stall,
smoking each others eyes
luscious lips locking on
each others tips and dips,
groaning and moaning
totally phoney,
stickin their calling cards
all up inside each others arses
'nice' one says, and another
so the next one says 'nice',
gushing over the quality
of insipid prose and other
works of toiletry...ummmm, sorry
poetry. Plant another and watch it
die under the empty weight of
false sincerity, or mainlined
'Cause such and such has slewed
togethor some painful words
of love and hearts and assorted
trite-coated metaphor or silly
little similies, like that chick
who spreads her knees at parties
for all the boys to see...man,
poetry is left to the dogs, lounging
about like s***s and w****s
ready for the whole world to use,
abuse and lube up to plunge their...
well, things in and then hit the bell
*ring *ring
next one please.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi A. M
Thank you so much
I really appreciate your time and effort
as well as your kind review..insightful
And thank you for accepting my friends request
i look forward to reading your work as well
i was really taken by your profile poem
Best regards

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Posted 16 Years Ago

lol, nice profile poem - well said

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you kindly for the review! Hope you are doing well. Cheers! Rob

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Glad to see you are re-posting after writers cafe SUPER TUESDAY event. I dunno if you have ever strayed to London, but here's an insight into London performance doings. If I can get your eyes into the story I will be doing well. If I can keep you to the end I will be doing even better. I'm not sure any of the character will catch your eye, but that's not for me to judge. href="">
A Story by Orlando Furioso

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Posted 17 Years Ago

like you work

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Posted 17 Years Ago

i have a bunch of zappa vids on my myspace. i am a huge zappa fan..lol

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Posted 17 Years Ago

is that oozing out of the tv set quote from frank zappa's i am the slime. or is it from the cramps? or do you even know what i am talking about? lol

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yeah, I'll post more sometime soon. kind of still deciding if this site is worth anything.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Ha ha! Thanks for the review. With me, never be afraid to cut my pieces up. Actually, I prefer it -- even the smallest issue should be pointed out. So, you know, I really appreciate your comments and review. Have a good one. Perth! Ha ha! Almost went there to teach at the UWA. Cheers! Rob

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I shall prevail...though mainly because I'll be the only one that enters.
mmm...the main character in the shield is more interesting than tony soprano, angel is a little annoying so far...angel the character was more intriguing in buffy because he had the silent, brooding thing...but now as the central character he has to do stuff...and well he's fairly mundane. Also, the show isn't very charming and the first crossover seemed too self-aware and unnatural. Though I probably would have said much the same about the first few eps of buffy...so I should reserve judgement.
Anya: "It's our anniversary...it's been a week since we copulated...you haven't forgotten have you?"...very funny...and giles and xander spending time together is humorous too....I hope I don't get blocked again.