I was on an airplane flying home from Boston to San Fransisco, but I began to question where home is.
A giggle, beyond his capabilities;Her voice is singing again; he feels old.He bends down, upon his knees,And peers through the keyhole:In his bedroom,..
Sunset shore
Of sandy Cali beaches
With your silhouette,
Gliding across wet sand.
You leave no trace
Of ever walking these shores,
For your foot..
This is not the poem
Of how you stole my heart,
Crushed it between your palms,
And sprinkled my ashes
Into your pathetic wake,
Because that is no..
In essence, the world works either together or against itself, because we all are part of a whole. And until we see that, we will continue to have dis..
Some people tell you that they are always there for you... But then you realize that all they are there for is to put you down.
That feeling you get when you just want to scream, because you'd do anything to help, but you know you can't.
I was nearly asleep when I wrote this... It was two at night and I coulda sworn I heard my neighbor's band playing... but when I opened the window, it..
When I'm gone, you'll realize it too late. So please, save me.
Don't be afraid to imagine, no matter how impossible dreams may sound :)