Meet Jaco; he's a fairlyr average guy from the 25th century, here to explain how humans developed time travel.
An event horizon is only frightening if you can see it...
Already Max's least favorite thanks to my friend, I decided to dig the hole deeper...
I woke
suddenly, my eyes burning and a pair of hands clasping my arm.
up!” Matt shook me, his voice barely over a whisp..
With Max gone, we have only one option: find him and get back to our own time!
Our campsite destroyed and our group split up, Matt and I try to find the others before someone else does...
A second member of the group is kidnapped...
branches, bushes and twigs snapped under our feet, reaching out to scratch our
flesh and snagging our clothes.
didn’t s..
I spent
the better part of the morning staring at the city, seeing it up close in
daylight for the first time. It was magnificent, individual..
Timeship vacations can take you to any time you want, even to alternate pasts. A nice vacation to post-apocalyptic Earth would be relaxing, right? Not..