Daytonight : Writing

Drawn Together

Drawn Together

A Poem by Daytonight

My own style and thoughts from my heart
What I Offer You

What I Offer You

A Poem by Daytonight

A poem about unconditional love
Is This Death?

Is This Death?

A Poem by Daytonight

A love poem
Guardian and Protector of Her Heart

Guardian and Protector of Her Heart

A Poem by Daytonight

A love poem about a brave knight.
The Windows to the Soul

The Windows to the Soul

A Poem by Daytonight

A sensual poem about the eyes
His Hands

His Hands

A Poem by Daytonight

How different one pair of hands can be.


A Poem by Daytonight

Love is like a kalidescope


A Poem by Daytonight

Anticipating a kiss
The Way It Use To Be

The Way It Use To Be

A Poem by Daytonight

A sad poem
Endings Leading to New Beginnnings

Endings Leading to New Beginnnings

A Story by Daytonight

A possible chapter to a romance.