In the affair between a man and a woman,
What it takes to consummate the relationship,
Are a great many things in the individual nature.
In the search for knowledge and understanding,
We.....we....what do you call it....right....right...,
This is better without the dragon.....so..
It's a dance....no....no...wait...I know, I know,
Its playing with fire....I didn't ask you old lady,
Ok....ok....its a cutural meaning, its t..
The way I heard it, she was, a tall and big Amazonian,
That's a male mind, without fetters, in a female body,
A woman. It cultivated a powerf..
Here it comes....I'm going to say it likeit is!
The kid is as usual bugging my conscience.
I don't know if this is relevant, or whether it m..
Today, this fine gentleman is a picture of calm,
But anybody inquiring as to his whereabouts,
Will be terribly surprised by what he has to say..
Okay...this isn't easy, so I'll appreciate some focus,
And don't interrupt me until I'm finished...what's that?
I said no interruptions!....No..
A man who perceives himself self sufficient,
Has a very large fortress with high walled gates.
He has to realize from the experience, somethin..
They had a fight over the child,
Father, mother..interest of daughter,
The father lost and was banished,
Or some semblance thereof,
Three principles