


There's a reason for everything

Malacca, Malaysia
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About Me

' Akara Mudhala Ezhuththellaam
Aadhi Bhagavan Mudhatre Ulaku '

Translation .....

All the World's literature,
Is from the young mind of the Original Experiencer.

Tirukural ( imitation of the voice )
- Thiruvalluvar, 5th C CE


A hearty hail to all who pass here,
Come share in the tears and laughter,
But if you choose not to journey further,
Let it be so that you decided not to.


A former lecturer who hopes to grow old gracefully.

It seems like ages since I was a kid and yet I find myself coming back to the experience in curious ways. It is certainly a sign of the age.

I seem to recall that the world was bigger somehow. These days I view a video on 'Youtube' about a town in Ireland and find myself mysteriously transported to that location. I may have to refine what I have always thought is real.

The web brings the world's experience to the living room and makes good friends with folks in a lot of places. I find myself as close to these friends as I am to friends where I live.

I didn't think in my youth that I would be like this. I figured I'll get old like my father and spend time in the garden and the booze joints. This has been pleasantly surprising and I'm still trying to make of it something in the way of a normal life. My career commitments have engaged that of economist, diplomat, operations manager, lecturer and entrepreneur.

The world is viewed with the tools of the world ... its a self constructed adage that I've been repeating to myself like a mantra. I'm even finding it difficult to restrict my identity of myself as strictly East Indian.

I'm amazed at the coincidences I've been encountering at my age. I'll have to give more thought to that.

I have a book at on ' Individualization & Self Awareness ' :

I have an alter ego site at Shin ( formerly known as ) Bidayah. That site is now inactive but it provides a picture of where I'm coming from. He lives today in the subtle coincidences of my heart.


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Posted 7 Years Ago

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Thank you for your kindness

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Posted 10 Years Ago

May you have a Wonder-full Christmas and an amazing New Year!


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Posted 10 Years Ago

So sweet of you to be thinking of me. Have a blessed holiday my friend. xo

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Merry Christmas Dear Friend.
I hope you and all the People in your heart have a wonderful Christmas.
I am working on a piece that will be uploaded in time for Christmas! (:
Is everything well with you?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Merry Christmas to you too friend and hope you have a prosperous new year! Take care!

- Sagar Waingankar

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you very much, and same to you.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

A very merry holiday season to you as well!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Arzel. No I don't send out RRs. But thks for asking.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Dayran. How are you? Anyway, do you send RRs? I only read what was sent to me so sometimes I fail to reciprocate those generous reviewers.