I saw the cloud in the morning sky
So I turned to go back inside,
And I said to my wife, ‘It’s a shepherd’s dawn,
Or the red sky ..
Scene from a Yamaha
Dry wind at dawning,
Scatter leaves steeplewards
Hayrick, reborn in,
Sleepy-eyed quarry stone
Quail stride between,
Such hav..
Why is it always a summer's day
Or the shades of spring in the old years hay
And never a winter's night, I say.
Why is a man a drunken fool
for my brother...
‘Will someone buy this year of mine?
A year, knocked down to first bid…’
I watched the old man through the wine
To know well wha..
…and when you were wet with
The tears of abortion, with
Rational arguments twisting your brain,
You sobbed ‘til the tears fled
In ble..
…and when you were a seesaw
In the grip of an old dilemma
While unloved ones ranted and stormed the Bastille,
You wrapped your head in feath..
…and when you were a lover
With your star-spangled bright eyes
In the heart-breaking knowledge
That he’d do you no wrong,
You thought..
…and when you were a young girl
with dreams in the night skies and
passionate strangers were following your sighs,
you just wished for a viv..
It's four o'clock in the morning,
No sleep for me this night,
I sit on the cold verandah,
And watch for a chink of light;
The wind howls round abo..