David Lewis Paget : Writing

An Affair of the Heart

An Affair of the Heart

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

They moved right in to the house next doorTo our great regret, and pain,It sounded as if they’d gone to warOr the two were quite insane,We shoul..
Another World

Another World

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

Walking among the Autumn leavesOn a cold and blustery day,Between an avenue of treesAs the daylight passed away,The shadows lengthened across my pathA..
The Painting

The Painting

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

The painting sat in an old junk shopAt the far end of The Strand,It caught my eye and it made me stopThough the subject wasn’t grand.A woman sto..
Death Wish

Death Wish

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

She said she wanted to kill herselfSince her life was empty now,I couldn’t figure it out myselfAnd called her a silly cow,‘Your Barry isn&..
The Visitor

The Visitor

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

He drove on up to the Nursing HomeFor the first time in a year,He needed to get some papers signedSo he sought his mother there,The matron pointed him..
Of Comets and Bats

Of Comets and Bats

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

It’s four o’clock, and I’m wide awakeToo early for pre-dawn light,Thinking about the night beforeAnd the reason we had that fight.Yo..
Stored in the Heart

Stored in the Heart

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I had no idea of who she was,But knew she appealed to me,All that I knew, her name was Roz,So I wove her history.Imagination’s a marvellous thin..
Two Brothers

Two Brothers

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

They’d built too close to the cliffside edgeAnd the winters grew so cold,The ocean seemed to be rising withThe waves, as in they rolled,They tor..
A Gypsy Tease

A Gypsy Tease

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

Down in the lower farmer’s fieldWas an old style gypsy camp,The wagons drawn in a circle,Each one lit with a paraffin lamp,And there in the cent..
In Search of...

In Search of...

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

The woman to grace my garden wouldHave generous hips and thighs,Long curling hair and a playful stareA come hither look in her eyes,A dimple set in a ..