David Smothers : Writing

I want to be that guy...

I want to be that guy...

A Poem by David Smothers

We chase every shiny object. We chase every breaking wave. And for what? What does it yield? More chasing? More expended energy, But for what ..
Strong Enough for Me

Strong Enough for Me

A Poem by David Smothers

When I was a little child Such a lonely little child I didn't know the right way the right way For me Found every thorn and snare Made em up..
They Made Us Monsters

They Made Us Monsters

A Poem by David Smothers

From the mind of a veteran


A Poem by David Smothers

What depression feels like
You are a Light

You are a Light

A Poem by David Smothers

They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Sometimes a lifetime can be seen in one gaze. Depth of life and soul co-mingle into a hope of the da..
A Letter for the Ages

A Letter for the Ages

A Poem by David Smothers

A letter for the ages How are the ancients Able to influence yet our fearful hearts? Do they seemingly know, How we come to pass? Through the m..
Thoughts and observations

Thoughts and observations

A Poem by David Smothers

Just some thoughts

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