I think about the small moments, and even the smaller non-moments,that brought me to where I am today. How if I had done even one thing differently,I ..
Portland is this huge melting pot of s**t, and art, and homeless.I watch through the window of Rocco's Pizza as people bump into eachother and only re..
When Curtis was five, he disected his family's cat. When he wasseven, he broke a television on the pavement to see what was inside.By the age of eight..
His phone was to his ear and he laughed loudly and spoke even loudersaying, "That is the rillest statement I've heard in a while. S**t."I imagined the..
"I'm a Nazi when it comes to how my drink is made," she says.I imagine the bartender not pouring in enough lime juice, and causingher to freak out and..
I'm sitting on the bench with my hands between my legs and sandwiched inbetween two other people. The woman on my right asks, "What are you in for?"I ..
It is Robert's turn for show-and-tell. He walks confidently to the front of theclass, despite not having anything in his hands. Clearing his throat, h..
"Take a deep breath," she said. "Now blow it out," she said. I could feel mylungs rattling and my heart pumping too much blood. "Everything seems okay..
"The grass is lava," little Jimmy said. "Anything past the trees is out of bounds."He counted to three as we all ran in separate directions. I climbed..
Barry sat at his kitchen table, in his boxers, eating a bowl of cereal and listeningto the news. His girlfriend, Tjetji, also sat at the table, also i..