The way the sun bounced off her ivory skinand her petite fingertips caressed the blades ofgrass we lied upon as she told me she loved me.These are the..
I see visions of the friends I use to have,the lovers I've shared lovers' moments with,the act of trying to become someone elsewhile standing in the m..
We spoke of things that mattered,and things that didn't. And I will neverforget those moments, filled with thefolly of youthand the beauty of possibil..
He yawned and his jaw popped. Ever since then,every time he yawns, he feels a slow creeping painthat crawls its way up to his ear. It always remindshi..
"I saw a kid die once," Roger said. "I looked into his eyesafterwards. Felt his face. Everything just seemed false in thatmoment." He shivered."What h..
He felt completely alone when she would fallasleep because he couldn't follow her there. Heimagined her walking through fields of flowers.He wished he..
He stared at her a*s and thought of the men she had been with.He wanted to gently remove her clothes and kiss the indentson her shoulders that the bra..
The day his mother passed away, he lied on her bed,playing with the music box that she had loved for as longas he could remember. He sprayed her perfu..