I often think about a world where everyone is actually named what they callthemselves online. The idea always takes place in a courtroom. The defendan..
For Christmas, my brother thought it would be funny to give me a bagfull of pennies. "I don't know how much is in there," he said. It felt heavy, soI ..
Ten Things I Hate About You. Because I'm always getting paid by highschoolers to take their girlfriend's sister out so they can all get laid. Then I b..
It started when Kurgal murdered Erg over a misunderstandingabout who would start the fire. A law was put into place aboutno more killing. Grengal aske..
On the first day, he sat playing with a hangnail on his thumb,staring at his feet, wishing he could Google, "How to start a firewith sticks". On the s..
She posted about the guy that was near a tree,close to the waterfront, smoking a cigarette. I had to thinkhard but I was able to recall how early last..
She said she was a farm hand. I asked her what that meant.She spoke about how she picks up the manure. Bails hay. The usual.I told her she didn't seem..
It was hopeless trying to teach him about writing.He would look at me dumbfounded most of the time and getconfused when I would scold him after he tri..
Those are the words my mother spoke to me on her fifty-fifth birthday.My brothers looked at me, apparently waiting for an answer as well.My Grandpa wa..
Heard the new Weezer single. Made me miss the Weezer from the 90's.I thought no one could share in my disbelief at how far they had fallen,but then I ..