They stomp around and it sounds likethey're trying to dig right through the ceiling.You follow one of them from the room to the kitchen.There's anothe..
I held her as we watched a movie.She began to cry into my chest and I askedher what was wrong. She said, "I can't imagine a lifewithout you. But it ex..
We talked about nothing. Well, he talked. I listened.Staring at the wall, day dreaming about the momentI was headed home. Anxious to leave and bored o..
"Is it cool to be a hipster?" I asked."Yes," he replied.
He wrote his feelings out on a piece of paperand pushed it across the table to her. "Don't read it,"he said. "Not yet. Wait until you're completely al..
"I have to have control over everything," she said."My emotions, situations I find myself in, what yousay to me." She said this as if it was a bad thi..
It started with the nose bleeds. He bled on his pillowand all over his satin blankets. He bled onto his work shirtand also onto his shoes. His friends..
"I'm not used to talking about my feelings," I said. "I'm not used to listening," she replied.I talked well into the morning. Explaining every little ..
He was on beer number ten. I was counting.He was happy I was counting.It let everyone else in the bar knowhis minor achievement and gave himan excuse ..
Spinning the pen between his fingers,he stared at the blank page until it wasan ocean of no ideas. It wasn't until latein the evening that the pen too..