DavidRyanM : Writing

Stumble Trash

Stumble Trash

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

Before you try to figure out why, or try to guess how this ends, know none of it was my fault. It wasn’t my fault that her things were lying all..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

You have to choose between us, she said, pointing at herself and then to the girl lying on the sidewalk.I couldn’t choose. They both had their p..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

She thought about his question for a moment laying next to him in the dark. "I can't say for sure. Might have been when I was thirteen. Could have als..
Lost and No Longer Youthful

Lost and No Longer Youthful

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't want to hear anything about Iraq. Or the war. Or terrorism. People are so fascinated by these stories, news ..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

Curtis opened the bedroom door. "Claire?" he called out."In the kitchen," she responded.Curtis buttoned his jeans and started walking down the hall. "..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

He was trying, you could tell that much. Clearly years spent with a bottle in one hand and bills in the other. You couldn't help but watch him frantic..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

At the reunion I wasn't planning on attending because I feel I have outgrown that part of my life, everyone reminisces about the valedictorian's speec..
My Dog Suspects Jealousy

My Dog Suspects Jealousy

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

My master said to my other master how my balls were bigger than his. Now he has taken them from me.
The Desensitization of Public Morality

The Desensitization of Public Morality

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

He had jumped from a building. He had landed on the pavement. Had you been standing near where he landed, you would have heard bones cracking and orga..

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