DavidRyanM : Writing



A Chapter by DavidRyanM

She read my newest piece and said I should write children's novels.I told her she should strip. She said how that was demeaning.I agreed.


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

He realized, as he was getting into bed, that he hadn't taken a shitall day. And this made him angry. Because something like this rarelyever happens, ..
Internet Dating

Internet Dating

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

"Her profile picture was of her sitting and looking straight up into the camera. Butnot with her whole head. Just her eyes. It was the sexiest thing I..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

"I wouldn't respond to her texts for a few days. Then I would text somethingrandom like how I hated when it would rain. I would send this in the middl..
Virginity Stolen

Virginity Stolen

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

"Everything is beautiful, if you look at it the right way," he said to me, in between sips of his beer. "People just don't know how to look. Or they'v..
Honest Opinion

Honest Opinion

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

"She's got fucked up teeth, bro. You can tell by the way she smiles. Any girl thatsmiles with her mouth closed is hiding something.""What else can you..
Mushroom Admissions

Mushroom Admissions

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

It happened so fast. One minute he was admiring the trees and the wayGod decided to use so much green. The next moment, he was apologizingfor god know..
Vacation Spots

Vacation Spots

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

"You haven't been the same since you came back from Mexico," he said, noticing she wasn't lying close to him anymore. "I don't think I ever came back,..
Shopping For A Loved One

Shopping For A Loved One

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

She fondled the book, flipped through it, and smelled the scent that only pages of a book can give off. "You may not want to buy that for your niece. ..
Sitting Straight Up

Sitting Straight Up

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

He never paid attention in any of his classes. He would prop his text books up so it effectively hid his drawing pad. He was great at doing cartoon ve..