David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic) : Writing

Blink Of An Eye

Blink Of An Eye

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

How time flies so slowly
Glow In The fog and Mist

Glow In The fog and Mist

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

It's of light, dark, and mist
Butterfly Kisses

Butterfly Kisses

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

It's about bugs and kissin'
Fantasy short story, lore of my novel in the works for backstory and world-building lore.
Sylathis the Sky Weaver
Fantasy short story, lore of my novel in the works for backstory and world-building lore.
Return to Stardust

Return to Stardust

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

just an ol' man's musings
Grain Of Sand

Grain Of Sand

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

It's inconsequentially insignificant


A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

about what you get when you give


A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

Tribute to Grandfathers everywhere
Ode to ol' Scraggleneck

Ode to ol' Scraggleneck

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

hodgepodge of free verse, rhyme and clumsy whimsy