David O Whalen (O Haolin in Celtic) : Writing

Who Am I Now

Who Am I Now

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

As do the seasons...We change
Ode To Spring

Ode To Spring

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

Singing the praise of Spring!
Childish Naivete

Childish Naivete

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

Of the wonderful but all too short time of childhood
A Life Of Whimsy

A Life Of Whimsy

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

Of life and choices
Gift Of Life

Gift Of Life

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

Use it or lose it
Driveway's End

Driveway's End

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

It's of loneliness
Decisions, decisions!

Decisions, decisions!

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

Decisions delayed, life choices unmade


A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

Its what happens when one puts pen to paper. (or fingers to keypad)
Winter Haiku

Winter Haiku

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

The two faces of Winter
Awe And Wonder

Awe And Wonder

A Poem by David O Whalen (O Haolin..

that size doesn't always matter