A paradelle is a complicated poetic form most suited to obsessive subjects...
This was one of the first real good pieces I ever wrote -- still trying to get it published!
This is a novella-length idea, but I don't have it divided into chapters right now, so I'll post what I right now.
A book of essays written by a displaced naturalist. This was originally going to be called "Any Path Will Do," but that sounded a little too fatalisti..
This might sound a little harsh, but every word is true, taken from real-life experience and observations.
sleeping for6hours pounds in the backand the sides of my head andforces my eyesstaring open and wide,so wide,too wide and big like a sugar glider'sI s..
This poem was an exercise in writing in the villanelle form, and was inspired by an odd conversation.
This poem was an exercise in quatrains, and inspired by a horrible day.
An exercise in blank verse, inspired by my favorite tree. Enjoy the cyclical nature of the poem!
Reading assorted poetry,
in the train car, riding
through the dusk,
her stop..