DaughterNature : Writing



A Chapter by DaughterNature

Location, location, location. It’s so important to pick the right place. The perfect place. The best pla..


A Chapter by DaughterNature

Nitrogen. Ni. Tro. Gen. I say the word slowly, play with it on my tongue and through my lips..
First Snow

First Snow

A Poem by DaughterNature

I love snow!
No Name

No Name

A Poem by DaughterNature

In honor of all victims of natural disasters.
A Day to Live

A Day to Live

A Poem by DaughterNature

Under the gaze of a clear blue sky, With hardly the shadow of haze Hovering over the faraway stretchi..
To My Dear Mother

To My Dear Mother

A Poem by DaughterNature

This is an exercise in the pantoum form (it seems very repetitive, but the form is actually very difficult!). The form apparently tends to work best w..


A Poem by DaughterNature

This is an exercise in syllabics, and the situation came from real life!


A Poem by DaughterNature

This poem is an exercise in the terza rima form, and inspired by the moment when I turned the tables on my now-husband!
Ginger is the Root

Ginger is the Root

A Poem by DaughterNature

In addition to having a punny title, this poem is full of my personal sense of humor due to my natural hair color. The style of this poem is a litany ..


A Poem by DaughterNature

I created the form of this poem (including rhyme) to suit the subject matter -- the lines start long and focus in.