DarkkxVoid : Writing



A Poem by DarkkxVoid

Thanks for reading Thanks for watching my bleeding Thanks for being there when I was needing Thanks for conceding And listening to what I have to ..
Wasted Blood

Wasted Blood

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

Wasted blood It was horrid flood Of death and misery How any survived is a mystery I fought I sought For power I was in a bloody shower I kil..
Used And Abused

Used And Abused

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

What do you gain From my pain Are you insane You break my heart You tear me apart And that’s just the start You Stab into me like a dart ..
The Fire

The Fire

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

Burning in my sight It just feels so right I love the orange and yellow gleam If you know what I mean It devourers all Even if it starts small D..
I Am A Shadow

I Am A Shadow

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

I am a shadow in the dark I have no heart I kill because is my job I will never cry or sob I fight and kill I will do what’s right for me ..
Forgotten Who I Am

Forgotten Who I Am

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

I forget who I am This is my last stand I can’t give what you demand I scream and cry I want to die I am in pain I am insane I don’..
Kill Them All

Kill Them All

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

I want to watch you burn I want to see your pain I want to see you earn your death I want you insane I want you to be a mindless killing machine ..


A Poem by DarkkxVoid

I hate you all I hate the world Because you made me fall Because my dreams were hurled to the ground I was told I would be nothing From then I ma..
Been This Way For Awhile

Been This Way For Awhile

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

I weep at night I try and stay and fight I can't sleep at all I don't ever feel right Every time I get up I fall I hate my self And I can't shut..
I Am The Boss

I Am The Boss

A Poem by DarkkxVoid

Soon you will understand I am the boss And you do as I demand If you don't your life is your loss I will hunt down And make you pay You won't he..