About Me
DarkFairy is a simple girl that shrouds her emotions and feelings in words. Like most she did not know she had this ability until stumbling upon it one day, and it stuck with her since. Has one completed novel and a variety of poems. Currently working on her sequel but alas has a major case of writers block and is welcome to feedback.
Does not usually speak in third person, but finds it amusing when writing a bio. Is a fantasy freak, pretty much all she reads. Spends most of her time online, playing video games (note this girl is a gamer) or reading. Music and drawing are a past time next to writing. Can easily be put in a bad mood, but at the same time she loves to listen and be there for her friends, no matter how many times she has heard the same complaint.
In the near future DarkFairy will be going to meet her boyfriend in Australia for the first time. He as well being a writer with much promise.
Likes or dislikes ask them as you wish. Want her to read something, ask away as well. She will let you know if she prefer not to. Other than that, Welcome to my home and enjoy your stay!
Note: Send me a message telling me why you want to become my friend. I've had too many fakes from other sites.