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About Me

My Blog

Hello to everyone who reads this!!!
Well this is my profile.....not sure what to write...but let's start with my hobbies.
I love to read,write(duh), draw, sing, play piano. I am a computer nerd and like video games. If you want to now what kind of video games...well I like all of the Final Fantasy games and that will include kingdom hearts. Oh! and Legend of zelda! I am currently a highschooler in the 11th grade. I do like manga, anime, and what not. And at school I'm in the dark about it (I don't tell people) And Yes! I do like pokemon...only classic though. Every time they create new pokemon I have to learn new names, types, etc. I don't watch the T.V. show just play the video games and play the card game.
My first anime I watched was Dragonball and Dragonball Z.....I have two older brothers, what could have I done ? But I didn't start to love anime until 8th grade when I watched Death Note....^-^

OK OK enough with the nerd talk.
I live out in the country (yes where the hicks are. lol) I have lived in the same house all of my life.
what else can I write.....!!!!
My favorite animal(s)
1. Panda

Dreams for the future.....(more than one)
- Become a Zoologist of a wildlife photographer
-and if those don't come true I want to
become a Graphic designer as in making animated movies or video games...or i want to become an English teacher in japan. (already know quite a bit of japanese)

-Go to Japan
-Become rich (doesn't everyone)
-Go to Kenya,Africa
-Graduate from highschool and collage

I love fantasy novels!!!! and I hope to write a good fantasy book in my lifetime (that means I want it published a sold all across the country.)
I have a lot of ideas and hope people will like them...
I am nrevous to post my writing online because I don't share my work with people and I am constantly changing my writing (which is good right?)

Well when I do post some of my writing on the site I hope you will read it and five me a good critique...But be nice OK? I don't want to stop writing just because somebody HATES my work...i'm sesitive, so if you do hate it.....tell me in a nice way :P lol

that's it for now.....


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the kind review for my poem: "The Season of Spring". I'm very glad you like it.