I will not write about death, and I will not write about love,
Forthose are the only thingspeople today speak of,
I try and write what I know, or wr..
With a hole in my ship, water floods it to the knee.
The waves come crash down, and begin to bury me,
The kelp and the salt all cover my face,
I'm ..
Eh, stuff.
It's sort of bad, but it's just something I had to say, despite the quality of my words.
A rotten skank, a dirty w***e,
She talks back she gets one more,
A nice red mark upon her cheek,
She falls to her knees, he calls her weak,
She cr..
A rebel with a cause or a clever monster in dusguise?
A mask covers his torched features and you can't see his eyes,
Swords skills that are superior..
Highly simple