Superhuman Unknown

Superhuman Unknown


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La Mesa, CA
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About Me

"You will only be yourself when you understand what you know"

Look up the word "random" in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of me in the living room holding a can of Monster Energy and a baseball bat, wearing a Pearl Jam shirt, a Manchester United cap, and lying down with a notebook on my chest. The TV will probably have Brian Regan spewing a joke about school.

Born and raised in some East County suburb of San Diego, California. Writing has pretty much been in some aspect part, if not is my life. I can remember a time, way, way, way back when I was given my first notebook, that, hey, maybe I should try this out. Little did I know that things came to me quite fast. Sure, I was very immature, inexperienced, and coming off one of the worse times of my life in terms of family s**t, but geez, I got it. Fast forward to today. I work a 9-5 job where I am the I.T. department, making use of an Associates degree, and then doing various creative assignment for the company. On top of that, I do some professional projects from time to time, handling whatever comes my way. From resumes, to marketing packages, to, well, sex jokes, I know how to pull it off. And hell, if I don't, I'll figure my way through it.

But the vast majority of what I write goes into my notebook. I'll write about anything about my life, somehow turning them into poems, and I'll write about others' lives, or how I perceived to be others' lives. To me, nothing is off-limits. I guess me being on this damn site will allow me to get over my self-consciousness and allow myself to grow as a person and as a writer.