Christopher Shawn Doyle

Christopher Shawn Doyle


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Ewa Beach, HI
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About Me

Lifelong reader/writer of fiction, essays and history. Have always always loved the writen word and hope to see if I can perfect my story telling ability.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

hi Christopher, just wanted to say hello, hope to read more of your work!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks Christopher, hope you are having a lovely night

----:P---- mishel

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Chris,

Good luck with your new writings and NEVER give up on unfinished work. You just needed some new inspiration. I hope that you have found it. If not, take your willa come to you, but you WILL be able to finish that first one one day. I hope to be able to read it and say," hey...that's my friend Christopher, excellent book! " :) I will check out the lady you refered me to. Thank you. Have a great weekend!


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Posted 18 Years Ago

thanks Christopher I plan to make it more horrifying and make it into a novel, just wanted to toy with the story first and present it. But it will come much better, thank you so much, promise to read your work soon!

-----much love,

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thanks Christopher, how are you doing? hope all is well.... --Mishel

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Christopher, I forgot to ask you, do you write books? I am at the beginning stages of writing my first 2, one non-fiction and the other a book of poetry. How about yourself?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

You as well, I will return the gift and read your work, too. Thank you again.


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Posted 18 Years Ago


Thank you for the review of FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Your words were very kind, I greatly appreciate it. I put my heart and soul into my work, I think that is why it is so visual. I am glad that you enjoyed it.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

thanks for the reviews...of both styles of my work. you'll see that i'm not a rhyme and form poet..i usually don't count syllables and i very very very rarely rhyme..i just write what i feel is the appropriate emotional response...=) thanks again


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Posted 18 Years Ago

this is a MUCH MUCH longer piece that i just don't have the discpline to post... but i will promise... i promise thanks for the review!