Maybe. . . just maybe, someone will understand.
Martyr:n; 3. a person who undergoes severe or constant suffering
Sometimes, you just want to be eternally happy.
Just some words I threw together. Not really a poem.
A Story by Vicca
So many thoughts. . . .
Okay, it's not really a poem, because I can't write poems xD its how I look at humanity.
Does age really matter in a relationship. Especially if it's true love? Robin is a 15 year old girl who has the boyfriend everyone wants, and a best f..
A Chapter by Vicca
Just a begining and insite to Robins life. and first sighting of the older man. [[:
A Story by Vicca
A young girl, goes for a walk, and come face to face with her deepest fantasy.
A Story by Vicca
This is a dedication to my dog. Well, she was my sisters dog. She was put to sleep on June 24, 2008, at 11:30 am. I really didn't like her to much. Bu..