Never did i thought i would fall deeply in love with you. you complete me, two years we've been together, two years we've went through our ups and dow..
Case: was coming in with mom when i heard Tru and her crew talking. i
want to be part of her crew so bad. for some reason i keep feeling like
im b..
Couple seconds later it said "art will pick you up." i went upstairs
to get ready, had on jeans and a hoodie. couple minutes later a car
pulled up..
Mom saw me and said "wow you look nice, where you going?" I lie
"nowhere really just a party, dress up theme." than i saw a black truck
pulled up ..
The next day i woke up had staring in the mirror and said "time for a
change." had smiled all big, had grab some money and gotten dressed was
Over the weeks Ive became more popular, had found my calling in
music. im a crazy rapper. can rap fast and everything. became heard
throughout the..
Tru: i was smoking a mild as i rode to the hood house. did some errands,
ms.a and Turner was following me. i was sitting on the hood of my car at
BabyBoy: Friday came around was going on a field trip for my English
class. mom was going along with some of my other teachers. had on dark
blue s..
Four months laterIve been pretty
distance from everyone, for awhile. was thinking about some things.
mainly about my birth mother. i know i was ad..
On Wednesday since it was a late start, i was at Parana bread sitting
at a booth eating with the crew after we ate we went outside, had
stopped wa..