I wonder if God ever gets tired of being everyone's therapist?When he's listening to people's problems and they're skeptical ifhe can take care of it...
If...you ever got to know meyou would know that I like to liveon the edgeon the runpack up my bags and go whereever, whenever I'm calledIf you ever go..
I’d pour my heart out to youit’s not that i’m scaredbecause fear is a mindset andmy mind is set on youbut you are farther away than ..
If handswere meant for holding,why do we, curl anger creased fingersinto fists and fight warswe have no chance in winning.Why do we use our mindsto sh..
I'm no statistician.Math is by no means my area of expertise, I couldn't drawyou a graph, charting my adoration along the x-y axis.I could not write u..
I know rain drop formations,that raindrops don't fall from the sky,but usually from the shape of an oval.I know how to reach difficult places,to be sq..
I live inside a shellno bells and whistles,just a place I like to hide.Inside, sleeping in a small cold bed,is my self esteem.Placed upon the headboar..
Sleep is the cousin of death, but time is in relation,casket sensations inside the body of a bag. Flowers that grow don't always bloom in the light.In..
A Chapter by DriDri
Walking quietly down the aisle, surrounded by people dressed in black, 5 year old Asha sat two pews back from the aitar, confused by what was taking ..
A group of children who flee from their homes and are brought together by fate,