D J K March

D J K March


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Melbourne, Australia
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About Me

Hi I'm Daniel. I'm a writer, or want to be. I'm currently writer a novel in the Sci Fi genre. I read Sci Fi and Fantasy.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

right and the last time you was no here was wen?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for the review.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

i know

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Yeah well I'm not on here much lately.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

you know you are never on here at the same time as me ever

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi :)
Thanks for the ad
Send me read requests anytime and I'll do the same.
And have a wonderful week ahead. Michael

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Yay, I believe I have a suitable name for Blade, Now his nickname is Warrior. His name is Japanese (which also means it's written back to front). It is

Ishiyama Tomotsu!!!!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Just created a competition, Where is the Love? Also wants to know if any of his friends have an idea for a character name, been wracking my brains but nothing seems to fit. Formerly known as Jack Wade the character is the most physically aged of the ninjas but is actually chronilogically younger than most. The major drawback to his ability is that the more power he draws the faster he ages. Another is that past a certain point Jack has very little control over what he does until he �cools down�. Jack doesn�t engage in most of the group�s activities preferring the company of Cat alone (the two are engaged). ("Jack is an introvert).
In battle he has a tendency to �lose it�. In his most volatile form Jack has been known to melt all metal within 500m radius of him (this includes Iron within a persons blood stream making him deadly indeed).

Jack has the ability to control and destroy any form of metal with varying degrees of efficiency. Gold for instance is extremely easy to manipulate and destroy whereas as Adamantium Xenonite (a metal favored by Arleen Black for body reconstructions) is almost but not entirely infallible to him. Jack can also create pure aluminum out of thin air.

Jack spends everyday when not working for the SEU as an engineer. He creates Blades of varying shape and size to fight with when met with confrontation.

His name has to be changed for copyright reasons.