About Me
As previously stated, my name is Dylan. I'm from Terre Haute, Indiana(also previously stated). And I have the average life of an average teenager. A couple health difficulties askew from the norm, but who's keeping points.
I have a family. In my home it's just me and my mom (and my dog). My Dad's a loser with too many kids from too many women. Most of my family is great though. I have a girlfriend that I feel a great affection for. I love her to say the least. We have future plans and we plan to keep them (no pun intended). And to add to my wonderful family, I have Angel's as well. Amen to that.
I do everything in my life to serve my loving God. . . well, I try to do everything in my life for my loving God. I find myself being hypocritical a lot of the time, but who isn't a hypocrite. It's alright to talk yourself into a hole sometimes.
Thank you for reading my humdrum introduction, and. . . please. . . have a nice day.
Dylan J.