Amy Michelle Mosier : Writing

Two streams that converge

Two streams that converge

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Two streams that converge And flow inextricably Are like two lovers Meandering about who meet - Not knowing anything of what The..
Through a break in the trees -

Through a break in the trees -

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Through a break in the trees - Flows a tawny river -Sanding the rock endlessly As a peerless carver.The jungle is not seen In the murky water's face.T..
Come, graceful brittlebush

Come, graceful brittlebush

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Come, graceful brittlebush And creamy globe mallow blooms.The winds of spring call you Again from the sandy tombs.Come, you dashing lupine And join th..
One Christmas, death showed up

One Christmas, death showed up

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

One Christmas, death showed upTo rip the bonds apartAnd they, who were stunned -Said their good-byesHastily at the tomb.That same Christmas -Another f..
I saw a woman emerge from a shadow

I saw a woman emerge from a shadow

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

I saw a woman emerge from a shadow With a sly demeanor and look about.Her sequined dress was aglow. She didn't know I was also out.I watched her remov..
Love is two pairs of footprints

Love is two pairs of footprints

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Love is two pairs of footprints Impressed in the sand.Will you ever walk beside me And together go home?Love is sunlight that makes A flower turn its ..
He comes around the wall

He comes around the wall

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

He comes around the wall And I feel my quickened heart.I dare to look even while Seconds become a moment.He passes with dull eyes And a whiff of musky..
Tarry with me tonight -

Tarry with me tonight -

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Tarry with me tonight -My dear firelight!Your precious warmth beMy solitary company.It's my plush blanketWrapping me in heat.Not all is well;Darkness ..
Olden knowledge should smolder

Olden knowledge should smolder

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Olden knowledge should smolderAs smoke rising from an ember -Universal but not common -Peculiar but not forgotten.Tell me of those days of yore -Of ci..
It was hefted upon a breeze -

It was hefted upon a breeze -

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

It was hefted upon a breeze - As in a warm, flowing currentThrough a sea of palo verdes - To search for an embankment.That seed of promise - An implic..