Amy Michelle Mosier : Writing

Happy eyes do not need the sun

Happy eyes do not need the sun

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Happy eyes do not need the sun For they, like yours, have a light of their own -A cutting light the demons shun That confesses to a kind, ageless soul..
Good morning, fair cardinal -

Good morning, fair cardinal -

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Good morning, fair cardinal -How are you?How are your children?Your plumage is nearly outdoneBy the sun’s golden hue.The mattress is firm -My bl..
Sweet Crickets

Sweet Crickets

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Sweet crickets, the tuneYou’re playing tempts me to sleep.By your tune, I will drift offBetter to a place dark and deep.The low moon and toadsAs..
If ever we tarry apart a spell

If ever we tarry apart a spell

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

If ever we tarry apart a spellBecause circumstance conspired with fateRemember all our days for your heart's sake;Remember and wear a little smile.Kee..
How vast is the distance -

How vast is the distance -

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

How vast is the distance - So I thought - between cradleAnd what was the final ascent To a plateau good and whole.What fine opportunities My wrinkles ..
Heaven must be a library -

Heaven must be a library -

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Heaven must be a library - An acquaintance in boredom said -With many open levels that are airy And plush carpet on which to treadWith sliding ladders..
Along the way

Along the way

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Along the wayBirds whistle a tuneAs if to set a moodBut I know not what to say.The figure slowly thickensIn the distance;My heart beats fast -My gait ..
Flowers in the desert

Flowers in the desert

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Flowers in the desert Vibrantly grow forthIn yellows and purples Despite the salty EarthAnd when I think about How birds can fly at allI am reminded t..
I know a place

I know a place

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

I know a placeWhere one can loungeAnd drink a refreshing dewWhere no worry survivesWhere no sounds intrudeWhere angels on its pathwaysAt times may be ..
The Elusive Lady

The Elusive Lady

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

The Moon became quietly jealous One night when I surveyed Venus.The usual glory reserved for her Went to the dancer with Perseus.At first, she passed ..