Amy Michelle Mosier : Writing

A nice prescription of sleep

A nice prescription of sleep

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

A nice prescription of sleep I took when the day proved awryAnd found myself when I blinked In a dreamscape of its own kind.I could hardly believe it ..
Venus rages brightly tonight

Venus rages brightly tonight

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Venus rages brightly tonight But the night is thick with shame.It doesn't cool my round thoughts Nor hold my soul to the flame.Some things just can't ..
Catch joy when you can

Catch joy when you can

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Catch joy when you canLike a butterfly twirling awayAnd keep near the heart.If not, joy will escape your grip tooAnd fly by somebody else's head.
Her voice resonates

Her voice resonates

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Her voice resonates Strongly in my delighted ear; My soul smiles - As if she'd not died years ago And been shut away in a wall ...
The Ballad of Red Feather

The Ballad of Red Feather

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Pretty like the crystalline canyon rocks - Fair like a deer wandering in the morn' -With the Great Spirit as a faithful witness A baby girl named Red ..
The Bells of San Xavier

The Bells of San Xavier

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Emerging from a doorway shadow Through thick air - sweet with incense -Comes a dark figure dressed in a robe To be near the altar in silence.The trapp..
For yet another moment -

For yet another moment -

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

For yet another moment - I joined him and enduredA brief conversation And hints of a subtle nature.I sometimes meet his eyes Contemplatively -Where lo..
Kentia palms catch a breeze

Kentia palms catch a breeze

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Kentia palms catch a breeze And sway gently in their rows;This verdant sanctuary Comforts me like the psalms.I amble slowly between them - My head tap..
Unseen pathways ahead are full

Unseen pathways ahead are full

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

Unseen pathways ahead are full Of switchbacks and great ruts.Should you get a foot entangled - I can help you regain your steps.None of the routes are..
The fold lifts - he's there in the mist

The fold lifts - he's there in the mist

A Poem by Amy Michelle Mosier

The fold lifts - he's there in the mist And the world tumbles aside.We come together and meet lips As Night's stars fill our eyes.It's a world of two ..

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