just a freestyle poem I wrote last year.
Hallowed ringing crying out,
Born to shadows in a dying era,
A figure of shadow and life,
Cast within the river Lethe.
Awakening in a world with..
This was written on the 26/06/2015
I wrote this one listening to a live band in a pub, just hearing them sing songs from dire straits and others inspired me to write this.
This is a freestyle poem
Through countless centuries,You have watched me fall,Begging and pleadingFor something more.And when darkness unfoldsAnd when the truth is betrayed.Ho..
I'm falling
Towards a shadowed abyss
With no way out,
I can't help but give up!
You stand there
With your smile so eerie.
As you watch me shat..
I gaze upon the starless sky,
Tired and anxious for no reason why,
I think "won't I be better off dead?"
As I watch others walk on by.
I wonder ..
It's shattered and Broken,
Your fear is awakening,
Yet Tearfully you struggle.
Gasping and hoping,
Taking in the toxic air.
Fearing the shadows..