A Poem by D.
He bares bashful bones in a closet, inconspicuous to sunlight.
Dusting off the edges of his oak shelves, casting the cobwebs and arachnids into darkn..
A Poem by D.
poem about depression
A Poem by D.
You soaked me in gasoline and lit the match at my feet,
But they sacrificed their form and tried to snuff all flammability:
A bag of sand - as an ax..
A Poem by D.
Vague and abstract poem
A Poem by D.
For you, my love: I would shelter you in my arms if it meant your safety be protected.No one's love is comparable to what you've elucidated and projec..
A Poem by D.
A companion piece to my poem written for someone very special and integral to my life.
A Poem by D.
I rearranged a text an old friend sent me through autocorrect, so credit partially goes to a girl named Lea.
A Poem by D.
A quick poem on my relationship with someone special.
A Poem by D.
Not very well done, in my opinion, but someone else may enjoy it so I figured I'd put it out there.
A Poem by D.
"Wilt your weeds, and plant new seeds," she advised to me. "Lovely, Dear," I rear my head, put my mind at ease.Body shaking, eyes beaming, have I foun..