Black and golda shimmering horizonglittering a mirage slightly out of reach.In my world of willpowermarshaling armiesthat can't quite understandits no..
Among cloudy cobwebs I crawl--memories rambling in the sunsetupon a palette stained obsolescent.I stroll upon my choo choochugging across the crib rai..
Blood:life's marrow oozing...Absorbed in crimson stitches.Teardrops clotin a haze of red rainunstaunched from the quillof tattooing steel.Crusted impr..
Poisonous clouds of youth hover strangling my lungsa smoke ring dances and lingerswaltzing with a memorymy mother choking,abnormal cells breedingsucki..
6.Subservience screams from the record machine.barbie dolls blonde and fake b**b jobs.heels spiked under a mini skirt fartingpoisonous gassesblowing i..
The DebutanteYou are my sunrisepurple bleeding black rainbowsradiating a halo of weeping rayscrashing in wavesof cindered sand and broken glassreverbe..
Wax dribblesweeping splutterdrooling melted stemsinged in a flicker of flamesnuffed.Shorn locks burned blondepainted face in a pheromonic stridepack a..
Its only me that creepsin midnight sliversblinkingbewitched in a starry nightI hypnotize youin a whispering windcaressingyou slid through fingers gras..