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Shadow Mural

Shadow Mural

A Story by Cyali

You You

A Poem by Cyali

Unforgiveable Unforgiveable

A Story by Cyali

The Lake The Lake

A Story by Cyali

Rocco Rocco

A Story by Cyali

Ode to Noob Ode to Noob

A Poem by Cyali

Pi Pi

A Poem by Cyali

About Me

My vampire story is going to be a total scrap and re-do. Twilight kind of killed vampires for me... On top of that, going back and reading it years later made me realize how poorly it was developed and written. I plan to use the same basic plot with less of the needless romance, and less of a focus on vampires. It may never happen though; I'm more focused on my new work-in-progress.

So about me...I started writing in 7th grade. It was originally just a way to vent and most of the stuff I wrote was quite dark and not very good. I started actually caring about my writing freshman year of high school. That's when I started writing just to write and express my creativity, rather than just letting out emotions. I started with my poem The Moon, which I wrote as a class assignment for our Romeo & Juliet unit in English. I also wrote a vignette about my dog Rocco who died that year. I had read it out loud in class and got a great response to it. Since then, I've worked on a little poetry, but mostly enjoy writing short stories.

I tend to go through phases with my writing, where I won't touch it for years and then all of a sudden get back into it. As a result, I've started polishing up some of my old stuff that I've rediscovered.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

congrats on the contest win.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

16 year old? Im 17. Nice to meetcha!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, welcome to The Dark Ones. When you get a chance, drop by our forum and start getting involved. :) Thanks,


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you so much for taking the time for the review and read, yea suicide is not uncommon that is for sure, but it effects everone differently but the simple fact remains that it hurts, its easy to give in, to give up, its just so sad, i was so angry with myself for letting the thought cross my mind, i might have had a few thoughts afterwards, but never would i do it, not after that, and yes it only gets better, with time
thanks again

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I see that you updated your bio. Wow , lots of stuff I didn't know . What's your view on HALO 1&2 , my personal favorite for fsp and I'd have to say Diablo 2 w/ the expansion pack for an rpg . Hmm , apparently we are both geeks who have a bit in common.Cool.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the add ^_^ Your work looks great so far; I'll get around to writing a review or two when I've got some more time.
Thanks again =)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

After reading your work , I will gladly add you as a friend .Welcome to the cafe Raven .Out of curiosity , what attracted you to my work ? Now I am most intrigued by yours.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the Caf�. I look forward to reading your work.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to