Joel Adenyn

Joel Adenyn


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San Francisco, CA
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About Me

I like stories. So if there is a good story out there, book, movie, video games, TV show, doesn't matter what medium it comes in. It's all about the story, the world the characters are placed in, how they progress, the plot, ups and downs, the good guys, the bad guys. I hope to create some stories of my own that are good stories. Stories that will make people feel the way I felt when I read or saw specific stories. I want to tell stories. I hope you enjoy.

P.S. I cannot find anyone I know to read it and give me constructive criticism on the story, characters, plot, etc. So I am looking for people I don't know. I am always revising and editing grammatical errors so I'm looking for reviews on the story. Thank you


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hey friend :) Fancy a swap? If so, please read "CENTURY" and leave honest feedback (NO ONE-LINERS). Just let me know what you want me to read in return :)

Lena Rossmore -

p.s. feel free to check out my website at