I wrote this poem shortly after finishing reading the novel 'Night,' by Elie Wiesel. It was a rather depressing book, though incredibly well-written, ..
I just got this idea one day, and it hit so close to my heart, I knew I had to write it.
Just about a person I love very much. I want her to know that.
Loss is something all encounter. I hope this can offer some consolation for those who have to face the loss of someone who was loved very much.
You once said you would scream your love for me
to the stars.
The twinkling fairies seem to have burned out.
You once said you would give your life..
The person I wrote this about knows who they are. And I just wanted to tell you, dear one, that I am so sorry for all that has happened. I hope to one..
Sometimes I ask myself.
Would death be a nice
I like to think that if
I just laid back,
closed my eyes,
taken a deep breath,
I might dr..