(Laughing up my blood and insides, until the Oleander blooms)
Setting the Stage
Ridiculous, you say? Thank you!
I am a fat house cat,sitting at my window,and looking outwith smart little eyesat all those portly pale humansslowly zooming alongin their oversized c..
You were a foolto think this vapid consolationof a night before a screenwould satisfy the animaldesire in my heart.I needed to run, to breath,I needed..
In searching for solutionsI still see madness,Rhabdoviridae,visible at every trophic level.Ogive metal or membrane-boundcurved so perfectly for misery..
It's hard to tell, honestly,if you or Iwas the monster first.But in the end,I found out,we were all monsters.So miraculous really.All the vampires, we..
I spend my nightsgazing through the eyes of giants,bringing their lenses to a focus.But this lense in particularis the eye of Polyphemus,who tries to ..
These are a collection of some old poems of mine. (I forgot to celebrate their birthdays) and I'm really just getting them down on the net, in case a ..
I was a boy, with mouth agape,Chipmunk cheeks, red from cold.I had wanted to dance. Footloose style,all the way to school. To feel alive.But no, no, r..