Crosby Idasa : Writing

Compliment of Season

Compliment of Season

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

Appreciation message
Rainday and Sunday

Rainday and Sunday

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

Just trying to make everyone understand that the weekend should be named like this; Rainday and Sunday
Heaven place of gays

Heaven place of gays

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

This should make you think Heaven is a gay land
Why me

Why me

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

An uplifting write to boost the mind of others
Some may walk, others may run

Some may walk, others may run

A Story by Crosby Idasa

Story describing how fast you may walk or run to make it in life
Brightness and darkness

Brightness and darkness

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

Just a poem showing both colours and what they represent
Killing of a Stranded Whale

Killing of a Stranded Whale

A Story by Crosby Idasa

How people in a local government area of a State in Nigeria killed a Stranded Whale
Because I Loved you forever

Because I Loved you forever

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

Love cost more than everything
My innermost me

My innermost me

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

Just a piece for all trying to be awakened, keep trying
When I used to fall

When I used to fall

A Poem by Crosby Idasa

Get prepared for Love, falling in love might hurt