Cristina Moldoveanu : Writing

Skyward Fiddler

Skyward Fiddler

A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

a procession passes round the town cathedral the wind rends the Death bas-relief near the astrological entrance clock like a wrest..


A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

a poem about the quest for knowledge in life
Adjustment Spasm

Adjustment Spasm

A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

I had an uncertain diagnostic that is why I never wore glasses sometimes my eyes were magnifying other times they were lessening t..
Weaponless Guards

Weaponless Guards

A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

as long as there’s no certain point for every beginning or end certitude is a revolving circle a combination between alph..


A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

a poem about good old days and the loved ones
A Dreaming Poet

A Dreaming Poet

A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

a dedication for all poets on this site and elsewhere, especially for those using metaphors
Vade Mecum

Vade Mecum

A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

a poem about the use of masks in everyday life


A Poem by Cristina Moldoveanu

Still captives in a cave where stars’ flight becomes stone like stalactites dripping earthbound seconds we are one following the other..