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Crystal Lynn : Writing

Never An Absolution

Never An Absolution

A Poem by Crystal Lynn

In the letter you never wrote to me You said you were sorry You said you were coming home But not to stay up too late You’d hate to delay my..


A Poem by Crystal Lynn

A poem written for a special someone. It wasn't supposed to be romantic, but I think it kinda came out that way.


A Poem by Crystal Lynn

Dream a dream A place beyond the sea Lonely waves peak and sigh Reflecting the moon And all that goes by The world is Quiet here Transient but..
You and I

You and I

A Poem by Crystal Lynn

For my Never
Midnight Mischief

Midnight Mischief

A Story by Crystal Lynn

The band kids are the good kids. Pfft, yeah right. Based on a true story ;)
Lissa's Final Word

Lissa\'s Final Word

A Story by Crystal Lynn

This is a little writing exercise to go with my one and only attempt at a novel. I don't think I'll ever finish that thing, but I still think it has ..
Mary's Frustration

Mary\'s Frustration

A Story by Crystal Lynn

For Emily.
Remain Calm

Remain Calm

A Story by Crystal Lynn

Ella woke up with a pounding headache. She didn’t want to open her eyes, she didn’t want to remember. She sat up, her eyes still shut..
My Homeskillet

My Homeskillet

A Poem by Crystal Lynn

She's my best friend. Break her heart, and I'll break your face.

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