Dawning Creativeness

Dawning Creativeness


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Houston, TX
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About Me

Well, well, well. About me. Hmm, well, I like to write, poetry and I'm kind of working on a story. It's going pretty slow though cuz I need to work on the details quite a bit. >.< Uhh, I'm twenty and nice most of the time but I can be mean. I absoulutely adore music, but I don't like all of it (who does?). I'm a romantic and love fairy-tale endings. That's all I'm feeding, want to know more about me or...idk something lol Just talk to meh :]

Oh, and I LOVE getting feed back on my stuff. You need to pick at something I did? Tell me. Unless it's like, totally really harsh. Haha.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

haha are you home yettt?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

haha are you home yettt?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

no way Dawnie you rock more! haha you have me so addicted to WritersCafe!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You rock Dawnie! lol