Cool Girl

Cool Girl

somewhere over the rainbow
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About Me

Hey everyone! I'm Cool Girl, and I love writing!

My obsessions: Coffee, Coffee Ice cream, more coffee, SPRINKLES, reading, writing, singing, playing piano, and talking :) haha

Other stuff: I currently play piano, cello, recorder, electric guitar, and I sing :) But I can also play clarinet, flute, and violin. I enjoy arts and crafts, knitting, sewing, ect. I normally spend my free time doing those things or reading.

I like to look up at the stars at night. Sometimes I wonder if they can see me too.

Also, my biggest fear is memory loss. I don't want to forget any of my friends or past experiences. That is why I write a lot :)

Favorite bands: Fall Out Boy, Coldplay, One Republic, Imagine Dragons, and The Fray (I'm overall obsessed with classic and alternative rock)

Bon Jovi and George Clooney are life ❤️❤️ So is Led Zeppelin which I listen to in the morning. It wakes me up! xD

Anyway, that's a basic summary of me xD

Other: My TeenInk name is Endless_Sky and I have a wattpad (I only use them occasionally)

Shout out to my friends Lizardo, C. Lee Battaglia, A_Pill_To_Make_You_Numb, Dante, ANTO, Confuser, wordman, ashleymarie, RiverRei, iveltac, steven, DoormanDan, luvs2write, moonlight,Tessa Danielle Nordyke, and Ashley Nicole Nordyke! Their writing is amazing, so I definitely suggest checking their work out! :) I have many more friends here, but it would take forever to name them all! <3 :)

I also enjoy welcoming new people and making new friends! If you ever need anything, I'm here!

I just want to mention Brian Michael Peeples for being a great friend of mine. He's fantastic and always helps me when I need him to :)

And last but not least, I want to mention my bro, Danny the Outcast! I love him so much, and he's really helped with overcome the sadness on my worst days. He's such a talented writer! Please send him a friend request or review some of his work. Thank you! :)

My other brother here is Cyanide who is an awesome person! He is always there for me and is always there for me. Please go and read some of his wonderful work here on the cafe! <3 :)

My three sisters here are Tessa Nordyke, Ashley Nicole Nordyke, and luvs2write! They are the best sisters ever and I love them so much! I can talk to them about anything and I know they've always got my back! All of them are extroidinary writers. Please go and read their work as well! I have a great family here on writerscafe. They're everything any girl could ask for. They take care of me (I'm the youngest), and I look up to them. I just want to thank them for everything they do and have done for me :)

More stuff: Don't worry about me, I'm just one person in a world full of people. Pay attention to the others, and you'll learn more about me. My soul is made up of all the people around me. I've learned their stories, pasts, dreams, wishes... They know how to try hard and dream big. Never stop believing, guys!

Keep calm and write on!

- Cool Girl


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Posted 5 Months Ago

Hello, CoolGirl,

I doubt you will ever read this, as I know this site has been dead for a long while, and is probably no more than a faint memory to you at this point, but I'm posting it anyways,

I was feeling nostalgic about this site, and was"strolling down memory lane" as they say. In that stroll, I came across a whole ton of old messages and interactions between us that, looking back on, 1: made me realize how much of a dork I was as a teenager lol, and 2, reminded me of simpler, less arduous times in life.

I hope life has been treating you well the last 9 years, and pray that the rest of your life is just as amazing. You are a very awesome person, and I hope everything goes your way in life. Take care :)

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Posted 4 Years Ago

Love you and miss you!!

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Just happy you have returned, Cool Girl :)

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Posted 8 Years Ago

I have returned. I now realize that this community is the only real family I have left.

I think i'm staying for good.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

I really miss you! <3

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Hi! Yes, it has been too long. How are you doing? Sorry I have not been around. I have been travelling. I hope you are doing well, Cool Girl! :) I have missed you!

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Welp just message me, and I'll reply as soon as possible

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Miss you

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Posted 8 Years Ago

no she still does Desert guy. She chats with me occasionaly

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Somebody must not check her Google+ hangouts anymore, lol (coughs your name into my hand)