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Sometimes it's hard to tell what your real feelings are. Especially with "friends" and "enemies". Like my own, for example. Can I trust them? Or can't I? That comes from a taste of reality. In life, you don't want to be protected all the time. Why? Because it's so much easier, and you won't understand what's really going on. It's like with homeless people, some just think, "Why don't you get a house? Why can't you get a house?". All I have to say is, fuck please, you think it's that easy? It really isn't. Nobody wants to hire a homeless person unless they're desperate, and house prices are soaring. You've lived with a silver spoon in your mouth your whole life. It's not healthy though, to be exposed to the world at an age too early. There's no reason why toddlers should be abused, or tweens and teens watching porn, or kids and teens wanting to commit suicide. Don't ask me. I'm not exactly sober at the moment. This is insanity. - Jowell
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